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Nakba and Holocaust in a Single Breath: Israel/Palestine Immersion Travel Bibliography: A - B

Nakba and Holocaust in a Single Breath: A Difficult Bibliography of Hope and Critique


In this publication Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem exemplifies one military-Palestinian confrontation case per year for 30 years, describing each incident, each case’s legal outcome, and provides commentary from the victim or victim’s family.
Materials published in this collection include political cartoons, letters (including the letter from Einstein to Eleanor Roosevelt), government notices, congressional resolutions, journal editorials, minutes from dinner meetings, white papers, and more, illustrate the degree to which US leaders, including Roosevelt, were well informed about the reality of the destruction of European Jewry during the rise of Hitler and WWII.
Author Olson explains the political and cultural journey to the current relationship between the United States and Israel. His methodology is to use the varying eschatological responses by the modernists, evangelicals, and fundamentalists to the Six-Day War of 1967.
Holocaust scholars struggle to ask the right questions about the intractable Palestinian-Israeli conflict. This collection of writings dates from the post-Second Intifada timeframe and reflects the growing despair of Jewish thinkers over the state of the conflict.
Irish author Colum McCann has created a novel of an unlikely friendship between two parents who have each lost a child to violence between Israel and occupied Palestine. Steven Spielberg has purchased the movie rights.
This work examines the complex relationships among Islamophobia of the West, the unresolved Arab-Israeli conflict, and the interpretation of the Arab Spring uprisings.
Kern details 10 years of operations of the Christian Peacemakers Teams, who use methods of nonviolent direct action, in the West Bank starting in 1995 and going through the 2nd Intifada.
An Israeli journalist describes his experiences immersing himself in intimate religious experiences of Islam and Christianity in Israel.

Sandy highly recommends that this work be paired with the author’s 2018 work, Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor, also included in this bibliography.
An extremely difficult photographic book that treads where words fail.


Born in the Aida Refugee Camp, the author has written part cookbook, part stories and recollections of Palestinian cooks. Includes a recipe for Maqloubah, or “Upside-down.”

This work picks up where the Pappe’s Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (below) leaves off. Pappe disagrees with the term “occupation” to describe the relationship between Israel and Palestine for several reasons, including the longevity of the project, the lack of adherence to international laws regarding occupation, and the relentless use of occupation to support continued Jewish colonization of Palestinian lands. The book covers the 1967 ethnic cleansing, the first and second intifadas, and the prison model that is Gaza.

Written around the close of the Second Intifada journalist Jonathon Cook looks at Israeli motives behind the building of the Wall and the drive towards its becoming an increasingly right-leaning state.
This moving memoir by Elias Chacour, Melkite Archbishop and founder of Mar Elias University, follows his life from his childhood violently uprooted by Zionist soldiers and his struggles as a priest in Ibillin, and his establishment of the Mar Elias.
This book features artwork from children at the school Rawdat El Zuhur. Phillips Theological Seminary students visit during the immersion trip to Israel-Palestine.
Rashid critiques the role the United States has played in the decades of Israeli and Arab diplomacy. He views the relationship between Israel and the United States as disingenuous in its failed promises for peace to the Palestinian people.
Almost daily commentary from June 15, 2014-August 18, 2014 by US Jewish professor Marc Ellis as he assesses the war in Gaza.

See also The Drone Eats with Me.
This is a collection of writings that serve as an indictment of Israeli crimes founded on an intractable ideology of violence for control of the land.