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Nakba and Holocaust in a Single Breath: Israel/Palestine Immersion Travel Bibliography: P

Nakba and Holocaust in a Single Breath: A Difficult Bibliography of Hope and Critique


Comprehensive history and religious and cultural engagement from a Palestinian perspective. Beginning with an excavation of the name Palestine and extending to the settler-colonial violence occurring today, Masalha presents the tragic history of the region of Palestine.
Nur Masalha recounts the history of the Nakba, describes the relationship between Zionism and settler-colonialism, and the attempted erasure of Palestinian memory.
Controversial publication fought by Christian evangelists and the pro-Israeli lobby as well as liberal Jewish students at Emory University. Despite clarifying that his position was directed at Israeli policies in the occupied territories the work was heavily demonized.
The author writes: “How might Palestinian Christians read the Old Testament in a context in which biblical texts are routinely read as an endorsement of their suffering?” For instance, Rabin’s assassin based his action on a text in Deuteronomy. Stalder presents an often-overlooked dimension of the struggle in Palestine, engaging current theologians and historians.
This work is a continuation of Ateek’s Justice and Only Justice (above). This work was published after Oslo and after the 2nd Intifada (2000-2005), and the continued, aggressive engagement of Israeli and Christian Zionism.
Liberation theology springs from suffering and injustice. Ateek, an Anglican priest in Palestine, articulates Palestinian liberation theology as a response to the injustices brought upon the Christians and Muslims by Zionist practices of occupation and separation.
Butler, a Jewish leading thinker in the critique of Zionism presents a socially plural ethic and disputes that such thinking constitutes a self-hating Jew.


As antisemitism and violent acts towards Jews rises around the world, Horn responds to the realization that her requests for publications all have to do with Jewish death, not life.
After Baruch Goldstein, and Israeli from an Israeli settlement close to Hebron, murdered 29 Palestinians at prayer Israel imposed restrictions on Palestinian movements, destroying Palestinian livelihoods and forcing them into poverty.
European Jewish communities have faced violence from non-Jewish communities and governments for centuries. The editors have put together a collection of materials collected from diaries, oral histories, trial records, and other sources that focus on the particularly bloody time from the 1880s to before World War II.
When a percentage of the Israeli archives that documented the decisions and actions surrounding the establishment of Israel in 1948 were opened in the 80s, Israeli and Palestinian historians had access to original material regarding the treatment and aftermath of the destruction of the Palestinians homeland which Masalha discusses in this book. About a third of these materials are now once again inaccessible.
Bethlehem author Raheb has delivered a helpful history of Christians and Christianity in the Middle East starting from Bonaparte’s invasion and extending through the Arab Spring.
The US Jewish author presents strategic sourcebook on developing a curriculum to tackle the thorny issues surrounding the further education of students regarding Palestinian political reality.
Author is the founder of School of Peace. 65,000 Palestinians and Israelis have gone through the school’s training. The book contains 25 interviews with participants on topics including human rights, community organizing, and mental health.
Palestinian self-determination has never been achieved. Though Jimmy Carter’s vision throughout his presidency was peace in Israel-Palestine, the enduring outcome through Oslo and many other high-level diplomatic moments has been to set/cast aside this very segment of the process. As international social pressure shifts for Palestinian recognition and statehood, Christian Zionism and far-right Israeli nationalism also rises, creating the current complex tinderbox.