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Library Account
Searching the catalog does not require signing in to your library account, but logging in does allow you to:
View materials you have checked out
View your search history and any saved searches
If you are not sure how to log in to your account check out our Library Account guide.
Found a book in the catalog that you want, but aren't able to come to campus today, live out of town, or the item is checked out? Once logged in to the catalog, you can place requests for items you'd like.
After finding the book you'd like to request, click the title in the search results to open the book's catalog record. Under GET IT click REQUEST.

If you don't need it after a certain date, click the arrow next to the pickup date to choose the date you no longer need the item.
If you'd like the book mailed to you, add your address to the Comment section.
Click SEND REQUEST to submit your hold.

We'll receive a notification email that you've placed a request for the item. Once it is ready for pick-up, we'll send you an email to let you know that it is ready or that it has been dropped in the mail.
You can also request for pages or a chapter of a book to be scanned (digitized) and emailed to you, as long as the number of pages requested falls under our fair use guidelines (1 chapter or 10%).
After logging in and searching for the book in the catalog, click the title in the search results to open the book's record. Under GET IT click DIGITIZATION.
Fill in the chapter or article title, page numbers, and any additional comments you'd like us to know. If you don't need it after a certain date make sure to add that date to your digitization request. Then click SEND DIGITIZATION REQUEST.

We'll receive a notification email alerting us to your request. After reviewing the number of pages to make sure it falls under our copyright fair use guidelines, we'll scan the pages you need and email them to you.