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Library Book Locations
I found the book I need in the catalog but am not sure where it is located in the library!
Main Library Stacks: This is the main circulating collection of the library and is fully accessible by students and faculty. These stacks are located on the north side of the library and are organized by the Dewey Decimal System.
Compact Storage Shelving: These stacks are also known as our closed stacks and are not accessible to students. If you need an item from compact storage stop by the Library desk and we'll grab it for you.
New Books: These items are located on a table and shelves right inside the library doors. These shelves are fully accessible to students and faculty, and almost all items can be checked out. Any reference items in New Books are library use only.
Media: Media materials are located in a little corner to the left of the Reference shelves. These items are accessible by students and faculty and all items are circulating.
Periodicals: Current periodicals from 2020 to current are located on shelves right outside Avery's office at the north end of the Library, and the most recent issue of those journals are located in the northeast corner right across from the current periodical shelves. Periodicals older than 2020 are located in compact storage and not accessible by students and faculty. If you need a journal from compact storage, stop by the Library Desk and we'll get it for you. All periodicals are library use only.
Reference: These books are located in the long brown bookshelves just past the Library desk and right before you get to the main stacks. They are accessible to all students and faculty, but are non-circulating and can only be used within the library.
Writing and Research Collection: These items are located on wall shelving just past the Library desk and before you get to the reference shelves. Items with a dark purple label are non-circulating while items with a light lavender label can be checked out.
Reserves: These shelves are located across from the Library desk and just outside Katherine's office. Reserves items are usually non-circulating, except for items that have a 7-day loan sticker on the cover. If you need to check out a non-circulating reserves item please check with our Reserves Librarian, Avery Phillips.
Discipliana Collection: This collection is now housed in the Sayre Special Collection Rooms in the northeast corner of the Library. This collection is open to students and faculty, and almost all items in the collection can be checked out.
Merrick Collection: This archival collection is now housed in the Sayre Special Collections Room in the northeast corner of the Library. While the majority of this collection is open to students and faculty and circulating, the journals and ephemera located in archival boxes and storage boxes are not accessible and non-circulating. Please email the Library in order to use the Merrick archives.
Beasely Rare Book Room: This collection requires an appointment to view and use Rare Book Room materials. If you would like to see something that is housed in our rare book room or archives please email the Library to set up an appointment.
Searching the Library Catalog
The Phillips Library Catalog (aka Primo) contains records for all books, eBooks, and resources owned by the Phillips Library.
You do not have to be signed into the catalog in order to search, but logging in does allow you to:
View materials you have checked out
Renew your books
View your search history and any saved searches
Place requests on materials you'd like to be held for you at the circulation desk.
Unsure how to log in to the catalog? Check out the Library Account Guide!
Use the Simple Search box for general keyword searches. You can search for an author's name, a subject, a book title, or word combinations that include any of these.

Use the Advanced Search feature to add more terms and narrow your search.

Refine your results by adding additional information such as subject, availability, narrowing by creation date, and more.