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Nakba and Holocaust in a Single Breath: Israel/Palestine Immersion Travel Bibliography: R - U

Nakba and Holocaust in a Single Breath: A Difficult Bibliography of Hope and Critique

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Details the rise of Arab American political consciousness starting at the time of the 1967 war in Israel-Palestine, challenging Zionist and orientalist conceptions of the Arab world, and describing the difficulties even in attaining acceptance within other left-leaning political causes.
Hammond, and ordained Episcopal priest and participant in the Sanctuary Movement, presents a gentle (perhaps too gentle) outline of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and provides a liberation theology interpretation. She has worked with the Christian Palestinian community, including with authors Raheb, Zaru, Ateek, and Chacour – all on this bibliography.
Documentary of survivor testimony (9 hours 26 mins runtime) and accompanying text of the film.
Accessible and far-reaching history ranging in time and space from biblical times to Brooklyn. Only very brief mention of the Palestinian Intifadas.
This “dual narrative” is the outgrowth of Palestinian and Israeli teachers’ project. Topics such as The Balfour Declaration, establishment of the State of Israel/The Nakba, the Six-Day War, The First Intifada are presented literally side-by-side so the reader will encounter the perspective of both narratives.
Collected essays with differing viewpoints cover topics such as the right to self-determination, apartheid, BDS, refugees, and more.
Deeply absorbing discussion of how the arts in the United States have heavily influenced the romanticization of Israel and resulting US political and social positioning.
This memoir tracks the life of an Israeli Palestinian (living in Israel, not the West Bank or Gaza), family through the eyes of a woman born as a refugee in Lebanon. It begins with the family’s forced displacement from and later return to their ancestral village in the Galilee. The author’s father worked for Palestinian statehood, her mother was killed in a bombing in Beirut when the family lived for a time. Fida Jiryis currently lives and works in Ramallah.

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A psychoanalytic look at where the urge and desire for borders and rejection of the world outside of our known group.
The majority of Christian leaders were either outright supporters of or simply went along with Hitler’s theology. This film discusses Paul Althaus, Emmanuel Hirsch, and Gerhard Kittel, major 20th century scholars yet Nazi supporters.
This is a children’s picture book relating Tulsan Eva Unterman’s story in the Lodz Ghetto, and then Auschwitz. Eva’s granddaughter has written and illustrated this moving book.
Exquisitely written and translated novel about a family living in Palestine from the Ottoman Empirical occupation through the establishment of the Israeli state.
Makdisi discusses the split reality of Zionism – the tragedy of Jewish history enables the tragedy of Palestinians’ present. A symbol of this bifurcation is Israel’s Museum of Tolerance’s being built on top of an historic Muslim cemetery, despite years of legal struggle to prevent the desecration.
Written during the very beginning of the First Intifada (1987, when the term “uprising” was used) the author realizes the Holocaust Theology cannot bear the weight of solidarity with the suffering of the Palestinians under occupation. He recognizes tragedy is striking the Jewish again if they do not opt for the cessation of destruction and death.
Lentin is an Israeli political sociologist. She describes her work as a “…threepronged critical engagement with Israel’s settler colonial regime in Palestine: First a state of exception; second, a racial state; third, a settler colony.” Written after the 2014 war on Gaza.
Affidavits and data collected by Israeli human rights group B’Tselem details arrest, interrogation, and detention of Palestinian minors arrested for stone-throwing.