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Remind & Renew 2021 Rare Book Room Exhibit: The Slavery Question


Preface of The Slave Question

2nd page of the Preface

Last page of the preface

The Slavery Question

The Slavery Question by John Lawrence, published in 1854

John Lawrence was a passionate advocate for the abolition of slavery. Phillips Theological Seminary’s Library owns this rare first edition published in 1854. A noteworthy seminal text, this antebellum abolitionist publication details the injustices endured by slaves in the South. Lawrence endeavored to provide an explicit history and contemporary evaluations of the evils caused by slavery in the United States.

He describes the physical, emotional, mental terrors and degradations inflicted on slaves. He poignantly and censoriously writes of the slave owner, “He may clothe [the slave] in rags, feed him upon corn, lodge him in a mere pen of poles, work him beyond his ability, kick him, cuff him, knock him down, put him in stocks, strip him, tie him to a stake, and with a keen lash lay on his bare back until the blood runs in a stream to his heels.” This quote found on page 77, emphatically condemns the culture of slavery. Lawrence’s intent was to illustrate to his audience the dreadful cycle of violence and humiliation inflicted on fellow human beings.

He documented several cycles that continued through the generations: The initial cycle of physical subjugation is followed by a second cycle of inability to flourish as a mentally healthy individual or family. Postbellum, the African American community continued to suffer these same cycles by the persistence of unjust treatment.

Slavery Illustrated

Page 76 of The Slavery Question, titled "Slavery Illustrated"

Page 77 of The Slavery Question, titled "Slavery Illustrated"